Released date
May 19, 2020
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The knight is trapped in the goblin's dungeon.
Several obstacles are coming from the front and should be avoided depending on the situation.
Standing goblins can be attacked with a kick.
However, the attacking boss goblin is impossible. Look out.
# How to play
-Kick: Standing goblin attacks are possible.
-Jump: Avoid by jumping the stones below.
-Slide: Dodge the top stone down.
-Left: Run to the left.
-Right: Run to the right.
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# 게임 방법
- Kick: 서 있는 고블린 공격이 가능 합니다.
- Jump: 아래에 있는 돌을 점프해서 피합니다.
- Slide: 위쪽에 있는 돌을 아래로 피합니다.
- Left: 왼쪽으로 달려갑니다.
- Right: 오른쪽으로 달려갑니다.
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